Haarlem (NL) Office

Haarlem (NL) Office

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Superconnectors Network offers opportunities for young businesses to meet hard-to-reach experts with great networks. Every startup is looking for their breakthrough, but this doesn’t come from business-as-usual. It comes from life-changing opportunities which are tied to someone. The Superconnectors have a network of these ‘somenones’ and claims to be the engineer of breakthroughs. During MWC2023, Superconnectors and NBSO Network & InnovationQuarter organize an exclusive invite only Superconnectors event at the Social Hub in Barcelona. During this event, startups will pitch their innovation and they will be able to get amazing introductions to help them solve a critical ask. The selected startups are to be announced on February 23rd, but we cannot wait to share this news! Due to its very early stage of existence, WirelessWorks needed to apply for a wildcard…. and we were chosen! It all started with an idea for a service/market niche need for an agnostic IoT Gateway and with, it seems, endless engineering and coding to get connected and paired with multiple vendor sensors/loggers/beacons. We were fortunate to win the TSOC (Telecom Society) startup pitch event and with the offering to join the NL-4YFN-delegation during MWC2023 with our own booth (!) in hall 8 (booth 8.1B31.1). And as a cherry on the cake we will have the unique opportunity to have a critical ask solved by the Superconnectors. No better way to start the weekend! #wirelessworks #superconnectors #criticalask #startup #iot #NLMWC2023 #agnosticgateway #MWC2023 #TSOC